This post contains two case videos - a) Improving Bus Network Connectivity, and b) Visualizing the proposed expansion of Railway Network, which will demonstrate how Mapping Technology (GIS) helps to plan, analyze, monitor and communicate information pertaining to Public Transit Networks.
(This content has been developed using Esri's ArcGIS Pro software based on tutorials published on its Learn ArcGISÂ platforms)Â
Refer my previous posts on Mapping Supply Chain & Logistics Operations (hyperlinked to all content on this topic to date) from the links below-
b) Insights and Intelligence through sharp Geospatial Analytics (Road Accidents case within)
The videos are best viewed in YouTube's HD mode either on PC or in Landscape view on Mobile Phone. Adjust the play speed as per your viewing preferences.
Case 1: Improving Bus Network Connectivity
Context: A city in Tennessee, USA wants to improve Bus Network connectivity for its residents by adding new bus stops and routes where existing coverage is insufficient. You'll see how I've used GIS to plot the existing Bus network, model the Service Areas i.e. Bus Coverage, overlay demographic variables, compare iterations, evaluate potentially suitable zones suggested by the model, and shortlist attractive sites for locating new Bus stops.
The methodology used here can be applied to other sectors besides logistics - see this example on Wildlife Habitat Zone identification.
Case 2: Visualizing the Proposed Expansion of Railway Network
Context: San Francisco city in California, USA is proposing to add a new railway line connecting select suburban neighborhoods, which have experienced an increase in housing growth, to Downtown - the central business district. The 3D geospatial depiction of the proposed railway line, captured in the video below, serves to educate the residents about the proposed Infrastructure Development and the rationale behind choosing this area for the new Railway line.
As you will infer from these two videos, Mapping Technology (GIS) is adept at analyzing and visualizing complex Public Transit Network datasets. There are several specialized modules available within GIS platforms which aid in better planning and operations of such networks - for workflows such as Incident Reporting, Project Dashboards, Traveller Frequency, and so on. Read more about it from this informative Story Map.
Intelloc Mapping Services, Kolkata | offers Mapping services that can be integrated with Operations Planning, Design and Audit workflows. These include but are not limited to Drone Services, Subsurface Mapping Services, Location Analytics & App Development, Supply Chain Services, Remote Sensing Services and Wastewater Treatment. The services can be rendered pan-India and will aid your organization to meet its stated objectives pertaining to Operational Excellence, Sustainability and Growth.
Broadly, the firm's area of expertise can be split into two categories - Geographic Mapping and Operations Mapping. The Infographic below highlights our capabilities-

Our Mapping for Operations-themed workflow demonstrations can be accessed from the firm's Website / YouTube Channel and an overview can be obtained from this brochure. Happy to address queries and respond to documented requirements. Custom Demonstration, Training & Trials are facilitated only on a paid-basis. Looking forward to being of service.