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  • Writer's pictureArpit Shah

How can utilizing Mapping help organizations?

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Some of our earliest memories pertaining to Mapping would be of Geography classes at school - using the political and physical maps in a topography session to outline administrative boundaries or natural features such as rivers, mountains and oceans. Essentially, we diagrammatically plotted any feature with 'location attributes' onto a map. This remains the foundation of mapping technology today as well. Not only can one capture high resolution geodata from a multitude of sources (satellites, drones and sensors) but also one can merge that data with publicly available or commercially sourced datasets onto a mapping software to draw valuable insights and improve business operations and decision making as a result.

Mapping has evolved into being a GIS (Geographic Information System), akin to MIS (Management Information System) but with geographical data integrated. Depending on the capabilities of the mapping software, you can analyze, manage, visualize, & monitor your operations like never before.

Deploying a mapping solution for your business need could a source of tremendous competitive advantage for your organization. Outlining a few ways in which utilizing mapping can help organizations below -

a) Salesforce / Asset Tracking - Have a field-force in the market selling your product to customers across the country? Want to map out your supply chain? GIS helps you to chart where everyone or everything is, detect patterns, plan routes, chart expansion, foster collaboration and promote efficiency.

b) Facility Location - Want to arrive at an intelligent decision to locate your infrastructure, be it store, factory, office or warehouse? You can use mapping applications to study location features (road connectivity, air quality, elevation) and / or combine it with census / consumer data to determine suitable pockets of land for investment. Mapping applications allows us to dynamically query parameters that we wish to have for our ideal location, obtaining powerful insights along the way.

c) Agri Research - Does your organization procure agri-produce to be used as a raw material for your manufacturing operations? Using mapping applications, you'd be able to use agri-datasets such as soil quality, crop health, meteorological inputs - in isolation or in combination - to identify where is the best potential source for the desired quality of agri-produce.

d) Transport Management - Be it Route Planning & Optimization, Fleet Management, Employee Travel or any other transportation workflow such as where can my long-haul truck perform a U-turn on the highway?, you can analyze and solve it with modern mapping technology.

e) Risk Management - You can plan for any risks or emergencies that your organisation may face (man-made or natural) on a mapping software to see how best you can mitigate it - for purposes such as procurement, transportation, evacuation, safety, planning, and so on.

f) Layout design & management - You can 3D model & map out your commercial spaces and even integrate it with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality. Even large and complex industrial applications such as laying out pipelines, telecom or electrical infrastructure can be planned & designed on mapping platforms saving millions in costs for organizations.

g) Unique Applications - Organizing a large event or exhibit? Making a movie? Mapping solutions allows you to monitor visitor movement, or even build an animated city!

These are but a few applications. The potential of mapping / GIS is truly unfathomable. Any location attribute generated as part of your business operations can be mapped and combined with internal or external datasets to produce meaningful outcomes. Moreover, the mapping applications can be deployed by virtually every business and industry and the benefits in cost savings and revenue growth are immense. Using Drones and Satellite Imagery, organizations are using different types of geodata to gather more knowledge and insights about operations than ever before. Each day, several new applications are discovered. Annual conferences are held to discuss these new innovations and workflows - sometimes the developers themselves do not know where their technology has been put to good use!



Intelloc Mapping Services | Mapmyops is engaged in providing mapping solutions to organizations which facilitate operations improvement, planning & monitoring workflows. These include but are not limited to Supply Chain Design Consulting, Drone Solutions, Location Analytics & GIS Applications, Site Characterization, Remote Sensing, Security & Intelligence Infrastructure, & Polluted Water Treatment. Projects can be conducted pan-India and overseas.

Several demonstrations for these workflows are documented on our website. For your business requirements, reach out to us via email - or book a paid consultation (video meet) from the hyperlink placed at the footer of the website's landing page.



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