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Mapping the Habitat Zone of Wildlife to prevent Human-Animal Conflict

Writer's picture: Arpit ShahArpit Shah

Updated: 1 day ago

In this post, I will analyze a few geospatial/location datasets to Map the potential Habitat of Cougars in a National Park within Oregon, USA. The approach I will demonstrate is called Suitability Analysis - it involves factoring in multiple parameters to qualify, compare and rank geospatial attributes in order to shortlist locations that are desirable i.e. match the criteria.

This is the second article on Site Selection using GIS that I have written on this website (as of September, 2020). My first article - Use GIS to shortlist suitable Locations - involved querying Location datasets using a specialized geospatial module to shortlist suitable markets for launching a new mobile phone for females as well locating new bank branches at an overseas location.

2023 update: I have posted my third article on this topic - a comprehensive manual on Modelling Supply Chain Network Design using Excel and GIS. Explore it here.


Context of the Demonstrated Workflow

Wildlife officials want to map the habitat of Cougars in a National Forest within Oregon, USA - adjacent to this protected territory, there is a State Park frequented by tourists for hiking purposes where these wild cat sightings have increased recently. which have set the alarm-bells ringing.

The purpose of this study is two-fold-

a) to determine the range of the ever-increasing cougar population i.e. where it resides and traverses, b) use this Habitat output to set up a Tourist Early Warning System so as to mitigate the risk of Human-Wild Animal conflict i.e. where the tourist hiking routes and the cougar habitat intersect.

The video presentation below will demonstrate the process of performing geospatial analytics to derive wildlife habitat in an easy-to-understand way - you will really come to appreciate the impact of doing similar studies for real-world situations that affect us on a daily-basis.

This 3-minute video is best viewed in YouTube's HD mode either on PC or in Landscape view on Mobile Phone. You may adjust the viewing speed as per your preferences

Video 1: Suitability Modeling Workflow to identify Cougar Habitat in National Forest, Oregon, USA

I hope you found the demonstration to be informative and the application of Suitability Analysis method to be useful. There is scope to analyze the output even further - for example, if the parameters of the two Habitat Models differed from each other, one could pose important questions such as -

  • What are the common regions shortlisted by both the models?

  • Which areas have a greater likelihood of being a Cougar Habitat Zone (based on previous sighting records)?

You can actually see and compare both the model outputs from this engaging StoryMap.

(2024 Update: The portal appears to have expired. Access an alternative report here)

Suitability Analysis output of Cougar Habitat using Model 2 (Department of Fish & Wildlife's - DFW - parameters)
Figure 1: Suitability Analysis output of Cougar Habitat using Model 2 (Department of Fish & Wildlife's - DFW - parameters)

You are likely to concur with me when I remark that the authenticity of the location datasets are of supreme importance for such siting studies. Without them, the output will not hold any significant value and perhaps, maybe even be grossly misleading (which is particularly dangerous in the context of this workflow). The powerful Mapping Technology (GIS) is only a means to an end - authoritative geospatial datasets are the fuel which drive quality Location Intelligence.


October 2020 Update: You'll appreciate the need to perform such studies even more after seeing what happened just a few days ago on a hiking route within Utah, USA-

Video 2: Menacing Cougar Encounter in Utah. Scary! isn't it?


Intelloc Mapping Services, Kolkata | offers Mapping services that can be integrated with Operations Planning, Design and Audit workflows. These include but are not limited to Drone Services, Subsurface Mapping Services, Location Analytics & App Development, Supply Chain Services, Remote Sensing Services and Wastewater Treatment. The services can be rendered pan-India and will aid your organization to meet its stated objectives pertaining to Operational Excellence, Sustainability and Growth.

Broadly, the firm's area of expertise can be split into two categories - Geographic Mapping and Operations Mapping. The Infographic below highlights our capabilities-

Mapmyops (Intelloc Mapping Services) - Range of Capabilities and Problem Statements that we can help address
Mapmyops (Intelloc Mapping Services) - Range of Capabilities and Problem Statements that we can help address

Our Mapping for Operations-themed workflow demonstrations can be accessed from the firm's Website / YouTube Channel and an overview can be obtained from this brochure. Happy to address queries and respond to documented requirements. Custom Demonstration, Training & Trials are facilitated only on a paid-basis. Looking forward to being of service.


(Credits: Esri ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS StoryMap, LearnArcGIS)

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