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Explore Geospatial Dashboard Applications

Writer's picture: Arpit ShahArpit Shah

Updated: 4 days ago

The Oxford Dictionary defines a Dashboard as '...a panel facing the pilot of an aircraft, containing instruments and controls'.

Now, consider the aircraft as your organization and yourself as the pilot. Wouldn't you rather begin your work day by drawing insights from a visually engaging Dashboard application rather than sifting through Word Reports and Excel spreadsheets? Or even better, wouldn't you prefer to keep a tab on the happenings of the day on a near-Real Time basis, for every aspect that you are responsible for, without having to be informed by IT or Line managers?

If your answer is in the affirmative, then you would benefit from Geospatial Dashboard Applications. With Dashboards, one can configure dynamic Web and Mobile-friendly visualizations with relative ease. These dashboards are configurable i.e. they can be designed in a way that is relevant for the stakeholders and each set of stakeholders can be given access to a customized view of the Dashboard.

Geospatial Dashboards can be of several types. Some can be developed for aggregating Sales data, while others can be developed for Project monitoring. Some Dashboards can be developed for consumption and use within the organization, while others can be made to disseminate information to external stakeholders and agencies such as customers, community or investors.

In this post, I have categorized the Dashboards based on the objective they help fulfill.

Clicking on the Images below will lead you to the live Geospatial Dashboard Application.


1. Informational Dashboards

These kind of Dashboards will help you to derive meaning from large and complex geospatial datasets in a visually engaging manner.

Situation: Consider yourself as an International Immigration Consultant who is looking to understand migration patterns around the globe, through a certain time period. You've got hold of the dataset and want to glean meaningful insights from it-

Informational Dashboard Hyperlinked Graphic
Figure 1: Informational Dashboard

Exploring Tips: Hit the pause button to change the country and subsequently to compare inbound / outbound migration for it. Click on the colored lines on the globe to see migration information for that particular route. Try changing the map to 2D mode to see a different, wider view. Also, change the year and observe the change in migration. Notice the pop-ups on the screen which shows more information about the feature you are selecting.

Liked this? See another Informational Dashboard which maps key World Bank indicators here.


2. Operational Dashboards

These kind of Dashboards are useful for monitoring Project operations (eg. Project status, Asset tracking, Resource scheduling, Maintenance progress) on a near-Real Time basis.

Situation: While this Dashboard shows the current Water Quality status of the various Water bodies within a particular territory as per the data captured by sensors on-site, you can apply the underlying concept to any workflow which needs human or sensor-captured information to be collated and kept track of. With a Geospatial Dashboard as part of your Operational toolkit, you can remain updated on critical parameters of the project, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Operations Dashboard Hyperlinked Graphic
Figure 2: Operational Dashboard

Exploring tips: Click on any of the Water Body sites from the widget on the left of the Dashboard to see their respective Water Quality readings. You can also open the Filter panel which is hidden on the extreme left and alter the parameters as per your liking which will instantaneously reflect on the dynamic Map-view.

Liked this? See a Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS) used to visualize information about Telecom Towers and other Communication equipment (its current status - Active or Outage) across the United States here.

You may need to create an ArcGIS account and login with the credentials to view this Dashboard


3. Tactical Dashboards

These kinds of Dashboards are of particular help in organizing information for planning purposes in order to achieve a particular objective utilizing parameters such as industry benchmarks, historical data, competitor information, current performance, market trends etc.

Situation: Designed with a motive to bolster its market presence and thwart competitor presence, this Dashboard application assists Starbucks Coffee to identify suitable sites for its new retail shops in New York City, USA. (Update: This Dashboard doesn't appear to be active as of October 2024. You may be unable to access it. Explore this alternative Fatal and Serious Injury Dashboard instead.

Tactical Dashboard Hyperlinked Graphic
Figure 3: Tactical Dashboard

Exploring tips: Change the Basemap to 'Light or Dark Gray Canvas' from the small icon on the top right of the Dashboard. Zoom in until you see the Starbucks logo clearly. Click on any of the Starbucks icons - one Red icon as well as one Blue icon for example, and see the information it captures. Also, click on any blank area on the Map to see the information that particular coordinate contains (the Demographic and Income levels of that region). The Map view will also update dynamically based on the time period you will select and you will get to see how Starbucks' outlets compare with those of the competitors at that point in time.

Liked this? See this Dashboard used to monitoring Active Fires and Hotspots globally over the last 48 hours. Such Geospatial Dashboards are commonly used by Law Enforcement personnel (including in India) to understand Crime patterns, allocate Policing resources, and so on.


4. Strategic Dashboards

As the name suggests, these Geospatial Dashboards serve a larger purpose - it helps the user to see the big picture of a situation with the option to deep-dive into the individual components that form it.

Situation: Put yourself in the shoes of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the Coronavirus pandemic. Being a United Nations-designated body responsible for International Public Health, you have to play a crucial role in disseminating guidelines and advisories to the public in a timely manner, globally. This dynamic Global Virus Cases Dashboard developed by Johns Hopkins University helps you to do just that-

Strategic Dashboard Hyperlinked Graphic
Figure 4: Strategic Dashboard

Exploring tips: Zoom in the application and click on a country of your choice from the widget on the left. Then proceed to toggle different views at the bottom of the screen such as Cumulative confirmed cases, Active cases, Hospitalization rate, among others. You can explore the data at aggregated and disaggregated levels as well, depending on the functionality of the prevailing map extent. For example, you can visualize the pandemic data for India at a Country level as well as at the State level. Observe how the Dashboard dynamically changes the view based on your Country selection.

Liked this? Explore another Strategic dashboard for Ocean Health Index scores & trends here.


If such geospatial dashboards appeal to you and you wish to have one made for your organization, do connect.


Intelloc Mapping Services, Kolkata | offers Mapping services that can be integrated with Operations Planning, Design and Audit workflows. These include but are not limited to Drone Services, Subsurface Mapping Services, Location Analytics & App Development, Supply Chain Services, Remote Sensing Services and Wastewater Treatment. The services can be rendered pan-India and will aid your organization to meet its stated objectives pertaining to Operational Excellence, Sustainability and Growth.

Broadly, the firm's area of expertise can be split into two categories - Geographic Mapping and Operations Mapping. The Infographic below highlights our capabilities-

Mapmyops (Intelloc Mapping Services) - Range of Capabilities and Problem Statements that we can help address
Mapmyops (Intelloc Mapping Services) - Range of Capabilities and Problem Statements that we can help address

Our Mapping for Operations-themed workflow demonstrations can be accessed from the firm's Website / YouTube Channel and an overview can be obtained from this brochure. Happy to address queries and respond to documented requirements. Custom Demonstration, Training & Trials are facilitated only on a paid-basis. Looking forward to being of service.


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